20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe (Beautiful Places)

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Incredible thing about this landmass is that you can make a trip to a totally extraordinary world via train and experience an entirely different culture and language how about we address some of the most beautiful things to see in the continent of Europe that was once considered the center of the world.Beautiful Places

20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe

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20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
tiful Places20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe

20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
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20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
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20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
autiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe

20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
outdoors kind of people then you'll probably want to book a room at one of the hotels that bloods resorts so that you have somewhere to stay after you do some hiking canyoning biking or the many water sports that get played out on the lake and if you need some downtime from physical activity there's even a medieval castle nearby at the side of the cliff how European is that
(14) The Giverny pond France: Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
The Giverny pond France this image may look really familiar to you for those of us not art experts just think of Monet the water lily pond you see before you is the same that Claude Monet depicted in his 1899 painting the water lily pond located in the French commune giverny in the country's northern region lots of Monet fans visit the pond as well as the nearby house Monet once rented during the late 1800s up until the 1920s and it wasn't just Monet lots of artists came to work and giverny for its abundant share of landscapes to inspire them. Beautiful Places
(13) The Cliffs of Moher Ireland:Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
The Cliffs of Moher Ireland there's lots to see in Ireland of course and if you've already visited all the major historical landmarks in the capital city and the Guinness brewery you might want to check out the Cliffs of Moher located at the southwestern coast of the Bern region the cliffs appear both a scenic and daunting site as you watch the waves hit the rocky bottom.Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
you'll also be able to feel all that cool atmospheric stuff that comes with seaside nature the call of birds the sound of the ocean the breeze and all that image of the greenery. Beautiful Placess
(12)Rakotzbrucke  Germany:Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
Rakotzbrucke Germany perhaps all that consumption of European based fairytales can be blamed for how all these neat looking places look like they came from a fantasy book and that description is no less apparent when it comes to the Rakotzbrucke or The Devil's Bridge located in the municipality of goblins in Germany.Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
It can be found just six kilometers away from the Polish border so if you're planning a Germanic  trip you might as well visit the Azalea and rhododendron park Crom Lao also.Beautiful Places

(11) Charles Bridge Czech Republic:Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
 Charles Bridge Czech Republic not that more places in the czech republic don't exist but let's be honest if you're travelling from a place like the United States to the Czech Republic you're probably going to Prague and if you go to Prague you're probably gonna cross the Charles Bridge at one point this historic bridge connects the road from the prague castle to old town across the vlatava river. Be💕autiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe

(10) Fountains abbey England:Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
Fountains abbey England  is one of the most widely spoken languages from wherever you are includes English so it makes for an easy trip for lots of people for another Britain conquered so many places in the past centuries that they've lived their cultural influence on society so it makes sense to travel to England for vacation kind of anyways in addition to Tower Bridge Big Ben and the Dover Cliffs you can visit fountains abbey located in the North Yorkshire countryside the old monastery may no longer be in use but what's left of the structure remains ethereal and full of history. Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe

(9) Greece:Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
 Greece when you think of Greece many commonly imagine the shores of Santorini a Cyclopes Island in the agency a popular portion of the island of Santorini includes the small community called yeah even though the population only reaches about 1500 45 people hundreds of more people visit the small village every year centuries ago it also served as a highly frequented place to travel as it was a port city.Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
(8) Hermitage Museum Russia:Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
 Hermitage Museum Russia from the outside you wouldn't think this huge palatial space serves as a museum nowadays the hermitage museum can arguably be classified as the most popular tourist attraction in all of saint-petersburg founded during the reign of Empress Catherine the Great in 1764 the museum came as an extension to the Winter Palace that would be completed in 1766 six buildings make up the entire museum complex every year over four million people visit the museum which opened to the public in 1852.Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
(07) Lapland Finland:Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
Lapland Finland for those of you not sold on exploring the outdoors think about how rare it is to experience Northern Lights there's only a few places in the world that you can see these colorful all natural lights in the sky and one of them includes Lapland Finland the Lapland region measures to 100,000 367 kilometers squared when covered in snow and the moon's out and the lights make themselves visible in the sky a trip to Lapland looks like a scene from a Christmas movie would you traverse the cold for an opportunity to encounter those lights. Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe

(6) Neuschwanstein Castle Germany:Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
Neuschwanstein Castle Germany on a forested hill in the region of Southwest Bavaria sits nice vanston castle up at an elevation of 2,000 260 feet or 800 meters high we've rigged the 2nd of bavaria commissioned the construction of the castle in 1832 to be a retreat as well as to be dedicated to Richard Wagner the famed German composer every year 1.3 million people tour the castle with a traffic of six thousand individuals per day many get drawn to the architectural design of the castle a mix of Castle romanticism called Bergen romantic and other styles. Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe

(5) Tunnel of love Ukraine: Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
Tunnel of love Ukraine nope that's not from some children's fantasy movie that's a real industrial railway that exists in the Ukraine located near the territory of clevon this section of railway got famous for the green leaved arches let's surround the entire path it's called the tunnel of love for the many couples that frequent the path together which makes it extremely hard for train administrators to keep an eye out for
(4) Quinta Da Regaleira Well:Beautiful Places
Quinta Da Regaleira Well Portugal traveling to Sintra Portugal means you're gonna see lots of 19th century architecture constructed in the romantic style as a result the whole region had been made an UNESCO World Heritage Site however maybe a standout amongst the most delightful and baffling spots in sintra incorporates the inception well of quinta da regaleira through a series of tunnels and caves you can reach the well which has a Spile formation to get to the bottom people did not use the well for water Or maybe it filled in as an area for formal Tarot inception rituals. Beautiful Places
(3)Bavarian Alps Germany:Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
Bavarian Alps Germany let's be real the Alps in any country would be awesome to visit anyway we pick the Bavarian Alps just because it looks a little more green this region of the northern limestone Alps ranges from between the salic and lick rivers not to fret just because it looks green in these pictures doesn't mean snow doesn't still cover other parts of the Bavarian Alps people love to ski here as well as taking the health retreats visit villages and relax the spas during the non ski season two
(2) Oxford University England: Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
 Oxford University England located in the southeast English city of Oxford you'll find one of the most well-known universities not only in the world but in history Oxford College gives quality and costly instruction as well as has a ton of extremely slick compositional structures from st Mary's Church to the Radcliffe Camera to the All Souls college there's no shortage of pictures to take on an afternoon walk through campus alright alright if you prefer Cambridge we can't blame you but for simplicity sake we had to pick one and we picked Oxford if you want to argue Cambridge this case you're more than welcome to in the comments. Beautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe

(1) Venice ItalyBeautiful Places
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
Venice Italy We're talking the entire city of Venice the capital of the Veneto region in northern Italy has one of the most unique city escapes in all of Europe how many cities in the continent can be travelled through by waterways and lack of sidewalks not many Venice or vennett SIA has been called the city of canals or even the floating city no one knows the exact founding of Venice but we're glad it still exists in the 21st century the city situated on the adriatic sea features the famous bridge of size but also has a lot of things you cannot see near the canals and gondolas such as the famous st. mark's campanile in piazza san marco it's one of the most unique cities in the world and if you're not afraid of the water you know where your next vacation is gonna be thank you for watching and you can check out my channel wacky universe by clicking this link right over here
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
20 Beautiful Places To Visit In Europe
Beautiful Places